If I see deliberate dumping should I tell them to stop?
People deliberately dumping are breaking the law, and sometimes they know it but do it anyway. You should not take […]
What are legal discharges?
Some discharges are not considered illegal under the City of Indian Rocks Beach’s Ordinance. These include: Flows from firefighting Landscape […]
How soon do I need to report it?
The best thing is to report it right away, especially if it appears to be still in progress. That way […]
What is an illicit discharge? – How do I recognize one?
Deliberatgly dumping illicit discahrges This kind of discharge is sporadic; often occurring at night or on weekends, when the person […]
Why are we inspecting for illicit discharges?
The City of Indian Rocks beach is basically responsible to ensure that our stormwater discharges do not pollute the waters […]
Who will do the inspecting and investigating?
The EPA regulations required that we submit our proposed program for managing our storm sewer system. This program was to […]
Should you collect samples or other physical evidence?
By all means, you should not try and collect samples. In the first place, there is some possibility that an […]
What should I do if I find a suspected discharge?
You should report it to the City of Indian Rocks Beach Public Works Department at 727-595-6889 or the Pinellas County […]
What kinds of things should you report?
Location – What you observed – Any identifying marks – Photographs Through a concerted effort by City staff and residents […]