Privacy Policy

Our Privacy & Security Notice

The City of Indian Rocks Beach is committed to protecting online users’ privacy. Our privacy policy is simple; we do not collect personal information about you unless you choose to provide it to us. We consider your personal information to include items such as name, address and/or phone number. We do automatically collect statistical information as described below but only to assist us in improving this site. We do not create personal profiles, provide personal information to private organizations, collect and/or sell personal information for commercial marketing or share any personal information gathered on this site with other agencies or persons unless required by law.

Information We Collect

If you only browse our site or download data, some information may be collected automatically. This information will not identify you personally. It is used only to improve this site by telling us the number of visitors and the types of browser and operating system our visitors are using. The following information may be collected each time someone visits our site:

  • The Internet domain name (examples: or from which you access our site. This is not your Internet address.
  • The IP address from which you connected to our site. The Internet Protocol address is a number assigned to your computer or provided by your Internet Service Provider whenever you browse the Internet. We use this address to send data you request back to you.
  • The type of browser you used to visit our site.
  • The type of operating system you used.
  • The date and time you visit our site.
  • The specific pages you visit at our site.
  • If you linked to our site from another web site, the address of that site.

About Your Personal Information

In some cases, you may choose to provide us personal information intended for a particular purpose related to League business. If you choose to provide such information to us, it will only be used for the particular purpose you intended. If you send us an electronic mail (e-mail) message with a question or comment that contains or provides us personally identifying information, or fill out a form that e-mails such information to us, we will only use the personally identifiable information to respond to your request and to analyze trends. We may redirect your message to another person in our organization that is in a better position to answer your question.

Security of the Indian Rocks Beach Website

The City of Indian Rocks Beach has taken steps to safeguard the information on this site. These security measures are taken as a part of the implementation of all Indian Rocks Beach software and hardware infrastructure in order to mitigate risk. The City of Indian Rocks Beach, however, cannot warrant as fail proof the security of information collected or provided via this site. Unauthorized attempts to change information on this site or upload information are strictly prohibited.

When You Link To Another Site

The City of Indian Rocks Beach site contains links to other sites. Once you link to another site, the City of Indian Rocks Beach privacy and security notice no longer applies and you may become subject to any applicable privacy and security policies of that site.